Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pharmacist Imprisoned for Killing Robber

This is the direction our Justice system has taken under the liberals. “On May 19, 2009, [Jerome –RT] Ersland went from unassuming pharmacist to killer. Just before 6 p.m., 16-year-old Antwun and a 14-year-old accomplice rolled into the Reliable Pharmacy, waving guns and demanding cash and drugs. Ersland’s co-workers escaped through a back entrance. Ersland, unable to flee due to crippling disability, fought back. Ersland shot Antwun first, and then chased Antwun’s accomplice for a short time before returning to find Antwun was still alive. A terrified Ersland retrieved a second weapon and emptied it into Antwun, killing him.” Ersland was afraid for his life when he killed Antwun, but that made no difference to the liberal judge and a largely liberal jury, who sent him to prison for life. I shudder to think of how this system will victimize us in the future as they further evolve. Personally, I believe a robber deserves what he gets when he enters a store waving a gun around. (Personal Liberty Digest)


Anonymous said...

Antwun got exactly what he deserved. The pharmacist was just defending himself and his property and his employee. He likely did not even know his employee had escaped. Where Antwun is concerned, good riddence!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: The pharmacist was scared to death and just shot the guy until he stopped moving. I did the same many years ago when a guy tried to rob me and I hit him with a five-cell flashlight until he stopped moving. today, I'D go to prison instead of him, for hitting him so hard.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you did that. Your would-be robber got a little of what he deserved. I would have clobbered him until he stopped moving, too - - maybe until he stopped breathing.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: The point is, today I'd have been the one who goes to jail with all the liberals in the "Justice System." then (1958) they just asked me why I hit him so hard. I told them I just kept hitting him until he stopped moving. No further questions.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the honest people go to jail now and the criminals have to be given their "rights" and then set free to kill and mame again.

So what happened to that criminal?

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: He died.

Anonymous said...

Good riddence.