Sunday, June 12, 2011

Typically Wrong

After a teacher had a student (a legislator’s 8-year-old daughter) write him a note asking him to vote for more financing for education, he objected. To which Lee County Superintendent Jeffery Moss replied, “If you’re not interested in getting letters from people in your district, don’t run for office.” Which is fine, except this letter was from his own CHILD, pushed into it by a TEACHER, and didn’t represent the view of the child, but those of the TEACHER. This is a MISUSE of this teacher’s position. This letter should have come from the TEACHER, and it would then be proper. Using a man’s CHILD to promote more education money is improper and unfair. But that’s how liberals operate. This is not even to mention the fact that the letter LIED. (The Blaze)

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