Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Banning Prayer

In Medina Valley, Texas, a judge has banned praying, the use of the words, “amen,” and “prayer” at the graduation ceremonies. How STUPID is this judge? You can pray within yourself if you wish. There needs to be no outward indication that you’re praying. But if I were at this graduation ceremony, I would be SURE to use the words, “prayer” and “amen,” loudly and defy them to do anything about it. I’m not big on organized religion, but I think that’s one of the things that caused us to create the United states of America—the right to ANY religion we wish to have, and the right to express it. For my part, I will not allow ANYBODY to tell me what religion to follow, or to do ANYTHING to dictate I follow one. That’s my right, and I’ll fight it to the Supreme Court, if necessary, and if this Supreme Court is too liberal, they can go to hell, too. (Glenn Beck)


Anonymous said...

Atheists are infringing upon the freedom of people who believe in a Divine Source to express their beliefs and views and that is supposed to be ok?

It would be nice if this country allowed the right to chose one’s own spiritual path, or choose not to have one, but in fact it is narrow right. For instance, followers of the Old Ways have to keep it a secret while other religions wear huge symbols of their own religion around their necks in full view. People need to follow their own spiritual paths and just respect the spiritual paths of others.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Atheists like this think their atheism is more important than the Christianity of the people they're harassing. THEY offend me. But who cares about that?

Anonymous said...

Ego abounds....