Thursday, September 23, 2010

You'll Never See It Coming

I have to have some degree of respect for those bearded, stinking, Muslims who just want to kill you for not BEING Muslim. They cite many “causes” for their war against anybody NOT Muslim, but the fact remains that’s their reason; their ONLY reason. Imam Rauf says he “wants to build bridges” when he builds a mosque almost on the site where 19 Muslims murdered 2,700 men, women, and CHILDREN. His “bridges” only allow traffic in ONE direction: TO Islam. Not the other way; ever. His is the kind of Jihad that fools most of the liberal fools now running things in Washington. When Islam takes over, people like him “come out of the woodwork” and are found to be every bit as much murderers as were the 9/11 hijackers. Just hidden. (Atlas Shrugs)

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