Thursday, September 30, 2010

The "Religion of Peace"

They burned a Christian man alive in Afghanistan for being a Christian and refusing to renounce his faith and become a Muslim. Meanwhile his wife was being brutally RAPED—by a POLICEMAN! This is the kind of “justice” that is meted out in Muslim-run lands, under “Sharia Law.” This is the “religion of peace” Muslims talk about constantly. Who ARE those liberals in this country who apologize for these people? I don’t hate MUSLIMS. I feel sorry for them for falling for the sham that IS Islam. I hate what the Muslim RELIGION does to its “believers.” There is NO WAY I would ever become a Muslim. I have a brain. (Atlas Shrugs)


Anonymous said...

Islam is a scourge.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: It's a cancer on the world. It needs to be cut out before it kills us all.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is, and it has spread like a cancer to the US.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Operative word, "cancer." Their definition of "peace" is when ALL "Infidels" (unbelievers) are dead.

Anonymous said...

Interesting definition of peace. So in other words, once they have killed off everyone who has a different opinion of the Divine Source they, themselves, will have "peace" because they no longer have to THINK.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: You. Did you know it is a DEATH SENTENCE offense for a Muslim to convert to any other religion?

Anonymous said...

Yes. The ultimate arrogance!