Thursday, September 16, 2010

Complete Failure

Obama is a complete failure as president. Not by HIS standards, of course; by those standards he is a great success. He has spent ALL our money and then some. He has moved us much closer to socialism (collectivism), he has laid the groundwork for his appointed bureaucrats to control us long after we’ve thrown him and all his goons we can in the trash heap. But the problem with an idiot like this in the White House is, he can APPOINT many people to important, and powerful jobs; jobs whose life is not dependent upon him remaining president. Fortunately, that does not include his “czars.” They’ll go when he does (I hope), but not without doing a LOT of damage to this country in the time they (and he) have left. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

Quote from Fox News on-line, "Buck up Mr. President", 10/11/10:

"When it comes to spotting omens, it's hard to imagine a more dramatic one. President Obama was giving a speech when the presidential seal suddenly fell off his podium and landed with a thud. The "latest defector from the Obama camp," a magazine quipped.

The latest but not even the last of the week. National Security director Jim Jones earned that distinction by quitting Friday, joining the stampede to the exits.

If the White House had wheels, they'd be flying off. As they did with Jones, officials claimed each departure was routine, proving they're no good at faking the obvious. So many top players don't abandon winning teams."


Anonymous said...

Quote: A FOX Comment from the public:

"Hey, Mr. President...I can see November from my house."

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Can't add much to that.