Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just Get the Hell Out of the Way!

The liberals want you to think they’re doing everything they can to repair the injured economy THEY messed up in order to get elected, but they’re not. They’re “meddling” in things they know nothing about and are making it worse. All they have to do to fix things is to get the hell out of the way and quit “hamstringing private enterprise” with their onerous regulations that are impossible to obey and raising the taxes on the very people who CAN make things better, “the rich.” They stupidly think they can raise enough money to “fix things” by doing so, when to do so destroys the INCENTIVE for the rich to invest in jobs-creating, profit-making (and thus new taxable income) projects, which will INCREASE the taxable income for which they must pay taxes. They can’t figure this out, and nobody seems able to convince them of it. Which is why they should NOT be in a position to make decisions on just WHOM to tax, and how much. Go ahead liberals. Prove me wrong. I DARE you. (Just common sense)

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