Thursday, September 9, 2010

Obama--Go Pee Up A Rope!

That’s what Missouri voters told Obama when they voted to approve a measure telling him what to do with his law forcing them to buy insurance. Yes, the insurance might be something they need, but they don’t need Obama to order them to buy it. Those who don’t have it have a good reason not to have it. They can't afford it. A law forcing them to buy it doesn't change that. Many just can’t afford the high prices brought on by government regulations. A government regulation doesn’t change reality. Personally, I will NEVER buy ANYTHING the government ORDERS me to buy. They can just go to hell. (My Way)


Anonymous said...

Me too. See ya there!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Since I probably won't recognize you when I get there, I'll say "hi" now. They'll see me with billboards saying my name. Guess you'll have to say hi to me then.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love how Obama wants to force us to buy health insurance, whether or not we can afford it, and then wants to tax us on our employer's portion of our insurance as part of our earned compensation? He has thought ahead, too. If we tell him to go jump in the lake and refuse to be forced to buy something at his command, then he will heavily fine us. Land of the free??? We are losing our liberty at an astounding rate.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you and I will recognize each other as we will among the ones withOUT that vacant, Obama-the-Most-High, look in our eyes.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: It's hard to argue with you when you're right.