Sunday, September 12, 2010

Government Can't Be Fired

That’s the main difference between government and private enterprise when it comes to accomplishing anything. If they fail, they just tax you to make up the difference. In private enterprise, if they fail, they go out of business. So why should the feds be allowed to run GM? Just because they gave them some of the money they stole from us? Maybe WE should be running GM. The money came out of our pockets. But the feds have the country convinced they should be allowed to run things, even though they always run them badly. Name me ONE THING the feds have ever run well. Except an election to get their jobs. (John Stossel/Atlasphere)


Anonymous said...

Exactly! Trash pickup where I live used to be handled by private companies. I never had any problems with the service, for which I paid monthly. Then the County took it over, and started taxing me for the so-called "service". Now I have to call them about every other month and complain because my trash or yard refuse was not picked up. Now that government runs even this small effort, we have trash pickup with an attitude and no service, yet I keep being taxed for it.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Nothing new about that. When they take over something, they TAKE IT OVER. From then on you have no recourse when they screw it up, as they always do. You can complain all you want; they're not hearing you. They don't give a damn.