Sunday, March 28, 2010

What would Reagan do?

It seems as if Obama is asking himself that question, then doing just the opposite. “Indeed, I sometimes suspect that Obama's sole approach to any policy problem is to ask himself ‘What Would Reagan Do?’ and then do the opposite--while expecting the same results. So, for instance, Obama thinks that by raising taxes, increasing spending, and weakening the dollar he can restore prosperity just as effectively as Reagan did by cutting taxes, slashing spending, and strengthening the dollar.” Obama has enough history to look at to figure out how to make this economy better, but he does exactly the opposite of what Reagan did to SUCCESSFULLY bring the economy back under control after the diaster caused by (Democrat) Jimmy Carter and his gang. The only way to repair what Obama is doing is to GET RID OF HIM after getting rid of his voting majority in the 2010 election. We MUST stymie him in his efforts to bankrupt this nation and make ALL your assets worth ZILCH! (Laura Ingraham)

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