Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can't Even Spell "Vote"

“Congressman Tom Tancredo, said that people who voted for Barack Obama could not pass a basic civics literacy test." [They can't. -RT] Tancredo’s offensive remark: ‘People who could not even spell the word vote put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House.’ [AB C’s John] Berman pounced on the rhetoric as out of bounds: ‘The President a socialist, his supporters illiterate?” Tancredo stood by those comments. " Tancredo is right. People who are here illegally and refuse to even learn the language of their host country, have no business voting, no matter where they're from. They’re not illiterate; Those are Berman’s words. They just can’t speak our language and DID “put a committed socialist” in the White House. So what’s there to apologize for? What is it about his comments that is “out of bounds?” This is not racism, it’s common sense. Speaking of “anger and harsh rhetoric,” that’s the daily stock in trade for liberals. (Media Research Center)

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