Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Terrorists Are Winning!

The heroes who captured the terrorist who masterminded the murders and “stringing up” on a bridge of several Blackwater employees have been charged with "assaulting” the terrorist they captured because one of them seems to have punched him in the stomach (I'd have done a lot more than that! -RT). These terrorists are TRAINED to claim abuse at the hands of their captors. I'll repeat that in case you missed it: These terrorists are TRAINED to claim abuse at the hands of their captors. They should not be believed when they do, unless those “believers” are stupid. And the absolutely STUPID politicians in uniform in the “chain of command” above these heroes believed it. When are our people going to “wise up?” We’re treating these terrorist murderers like royalty compared to the way they’re treated by their own people, while charging their captors with abuse, depending on nothing but the word of the terrorists. What a TRAVESTY that is! (Fox News)

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