Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's All The Liberals' (Democrats) Fault

Just about every bad thing that has happened in this country such as depressions, recessions, inflation and such can be traced back (if you’re really looking) to a liberal (Democrat) administration in power. It doesn’t have to be a Democrat president (though that makes it worse), but a Democrat majority in Congress—or at least a near majority able to enact legislation inimical to the good of the American people (Reagan's Congress spent $1.25 for every $1.00 his tax reduction increased the "tax take"). Look at the makeup of our government in the year the income tax was enacted; or when the Federal Reserve was created. Or when the “big depression” started (not necessarily when it began, but just before it began). Then examine the measures put in place during that period. It takes a little research, not just “surface examination.” If a conservative (or just a Republican) administration was in power at any of those times, look at what’s behind the action, and see who voted FOR it. This year has been “doubled down in spades” as the Obama administration goes about gaily spending our money and killing our economy. (Just common sense)

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