Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ashamed to Be an American

I’m actually ashamed to be an American because of the stupidity of enough Americans to have actually elected a committed Marxist communist to the presidency. My own son is among those who think they “have more important things to do” than keep track of what their politicians are doing to them, and that what happens in Washington won’t affect them. He said as much the other day. He seems to think he, and his children will be dead and gone before Obama’s bill comes due. He’s wrong. He will begin paying higher taxes to pay for Obama’s “flights of fancy” next year and his sons will pay them all their lives. The longer Obama is in office and able to force his ideas on an unwilling populace, the higher his taxes will go and the more his life will be controlled by a nameless, faceless bureaucrat, somewhere. (Just common sense)

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