Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"You're A Racist"

If you criticize Obama or anybody in his crowd, in any way. That’s how they “shut you up” without having to answer your criticisms with facts. Something they don’t have. Example: their current “attack” on Rush Limbaugh, using “quotes” he never uttered. “Any listener knows that Mr. Limbaugh wants all Americans to succeed, and that he has a twenty-year record of consistently urging his listeners to follow the words of Dr. Martin Luther King [a black man -RT]—to judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin.” I judge people as INDIVIDUALS, not by the color of their skin or by any other thing except for what they ARE. So does Limbaugh. “So how can Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others in the media honestly charge Mr. Limbaugh with racism?” The operative word here is “honestly.” They can’t, so they lie and make up “quotes” so they can criticize him, based on those phony quotes. The one TRUE quote was a criticism of sports writer’s treatment of a black man, not a racist statement. (Frank Turek/Town Hall)

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