Thursday, October 15, 2009

The "Pretend President"

Obama was elected president. But he is really not our president. He CLAIMS to be doing things to help our economy, but everything he does makes it worse. He claims to be fighting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan but when his top general PLEADS for more troops to avoid losing it, he stalls. While telling the nation we need to pass his health care swindle NOW (but it won't take effect for years)! Without even letting anybody READ the bill that will make it “the law of the land.” He then suggested we send fewer soldiers than the general asked for, but what the hell good will THAT do? He announces to the world that “victory in Afghanistan (and presumably Iraq) is not the goal.” Then what is the goal? If we’re going to fight that war, let’s FIGHT it. Some have said it’s “somebody else’s war.” It isn’t. It’s ours, fought in somebody else’s country rather than ours. If we pull out and let al Qaida and the Taliban win in Afghanistan and Iraq, how long will it be before we’re fighting in OUR streets? They’re not going to stop until they’ve killed every “unbeliever (that’s us).” Or until we have killed every one of THEM. Yes, that’s extreme. But it TAKES extreme measures to deal with extreme threats. If our president doesn’t have the guts to deal with the Islamic terrorists, get RID of him and elect one that does. If we do, maybe we might even have an economy left in ten years, as well as being alive. (Just common sense)

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