Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chavez "No Threat," Huh?

Many liberals say Hugo Chavez (President-for-Life of Venezuela) is not a threat to the United States, so why “mess with him?” Meanwhile, he controls a large portion of our oil and can “cut us off” at will (though I don’t think he can afford to, but there's no accounting for the actions of a crazy man). He’s trying to supply Iran with uranium to bring it closer to having a nuclear bomb to use on Israel and maybe an American city (which will bring him doom, along with everybody in his miserable country). But he doesn’t think so, which proves his insanity. “When Venezuela's Mining Minister Rodolfo Sanz walked into a televised Cabinet meeting this week, President Hugo ChÁvez impishly asked, "So how's the uranium for Iran going? For the atomic bomb." ChÁvez was joking, but few were laughing outside Caracas and Tehran. Ever since ChÁvez announced last month that he was seeking Russia's help to develop nuclear energy in Venezuela - and especially since Sanz turned heads a couple of weeks ago by disclosing that Iran is helping Venezuela locate its own uranium reserves - the South American nation and its socialist, anti-U.S. government have become a new focus of anxiety over regional if not global security.” We need to quit “pussy-footing around” Chavez and do something that will mean something to this overbearing dictator who thinks he is “dictator of the world,” or wants to be. Of course, he’ll have to depose Obama, who thinks he already is. (Yahoo News/Time Magazine)

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