Saturday, October 10, 2009

Didja Ever Wonder?

Why your money is worth less today than it was yesterday? And why it was worth less yesterday than it was the day before? Why it costs 44 cents today to send a letter that cost just 3 cents a few years ago? It’s as if your pocket had a hole in it and money was “slipping out,” penny by penny, until the slippage amounts to dollars after a while? The cause is INFLATION, which, in itself, is caused by the government “printing money” with nothing valuable behind it. When a citizen does it, they call it “counterfeiting,” and put him in jail. When the government does it, it’s called, “increasing the money supply” and no one is ever punished, even though the effect is the same: reducing the value of every dollar in existence. Meanwhile, you have to get more money for your time spent working so you can still pay your bills because every dollar printed with nothing valuable behind it makes every dollar then in existence worth a little less.

Then your employer has to CHARGE more for what he/she is selling, which forces him/her to pay a bigger tax bill. When this happens over and over, they call it “the wage-price spiral” and blame IT for inflation to keep you from knowing the REAL cause; the government counterfeiting money to pay for all their grandiose schemes to buy more and more votes. People who “pay no attention to politics” refuse to believe this when people like me, who DO pay attention, tell them while they keep on gaily spending more and more of our money. This is what government counts on. Our ignorance, caused by our IGNORING them as they “pick our pockets.” They win both ways. They get to spend more of our money and tax us more at the same time. If you don’t “wake up,” soon your money will be worth nothing. (Just common sense)

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