Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are They Stupid, Or What?

“The American Experiment has produced the greatest living testament in history to the glory of man. How is it that so many 'progressives' desire legislation that can only destroy what we've created?” (Prof. Walter E. Williams) We have come further in about 300 years than have civilizations that have been around for THOUSANDS of years because we operate under CAPITALISM, which gives each INDIVIDUAL in our society the INCENTIVE to better him/herself, as other countries (that operate under some form of socialism or a dictatorship) cannot. So why do so many people want to change it? Mostly because they’ve been taught in our schools, from a very young age, that socialism (under whatever name they use today) is the “ideal” before they’re old enough to know it’s bullsh-t. Why have they been taught that? Because the people running the schools are themselves a product of such schooling, and generations have similarly been taught. Why have they been taught this? Because those who started this wanted CONTROL over as many people’s lives as possible. Imposing socialism is the way to that power. (Walter E. Williams)

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