Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Right-Wing Violence?"

That’s a load! What has Pelosi been smoking? "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi berated town hall and tea party protesters this month, tearfully warning they'd incite violence [What an actor she is! She missed her calling. -RT]. Well, there's been violence all right, at Pittsburgh's G-20. But it wasn't the Tea Partiers. It takes gall to characterize ordinary Americans, freely exercising their rights of speech and assembly in civic forums, as 'mobs' while ignoring a pack of leftist thugs now smashing a U.S. city. But that's what Pelosi did,” It looks to me like “left-wing violence” disguised as “right-wing violence.” But that’s the liberal method; accusing us of what HER people are doing. (Patriot Post)

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