Saturday, October 3, 2009

Slapping Obama Down

Everybody thought it was “in the bag.” Obama would go to Copenhagen and “Mesmerize” the IOC folks, and they’d give the 2016 Olympics to Chicago, his “home town.” Didn’t happen. They “bitch-slapped him” and eliminated Chicago in the first round of voting. Apparently, he couldn’t get ACORN involved in the voting. Not only didn’t Chicago get it, Chicago was eliminated in the first round, showing that Obama’s “golden tongue” meant nothing in Europe. The expressions on the faces of Chicagoans were priceless when the word came out (overconfidence will do that). I’m sorry this country didn’t get another Olympics, but I’m not surprised. Obama’s overconfident attitude when he took the podium and talked, not about his country, but himself, didn’t help much. He thought it was “in the bag,” too. But it wasn’t. It was a “small thing” in the grand scheme of things, but Obama needs to find out that he can’t “rescue” things by simply making a speech. Things such as Iran making nuclear bombs to use on Israel. When they do, what’s he going to do, give a speech?

He needs to learn that he isn’t as popular worldwide as he is (so far) in his own country. As Jesus (with whom he and his “followers” have compared him) learned, “A prophet is without honor in his own home town.” His numbers are slipping fast as he reaches out and takes control of one thing after another, and ruins our economy. Even his most stout supporters are starting to ask him hard questions, while he “shuts down” ANY opposition. He even wants to “shut down” talk radio, saying it has “undue influence.” But you can bet that the only talk radio he wants to shut down CONSERVATIVE talk radio. Liberal talk radio (and TV) will be left alone (such as it is, because it touts his line), and will be called, “mainstream” talk radio and television (as it is being called, now). He’ll “go after” conservative talk radio because it doesn’t, and it is EFFECTIVE. He thinks Americans don’t notice this. But if he doesn’t learn that we do, fast, he’s not going to be president past 2012. (Rush Limbaugh)

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