Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Victory Is NOT the Goal"

“VICTORY IS NOT THE GOAL”: That’s what Obama says about Afghanistan and, I presume, Iraq. Which leads to the logical question, “What IS the goal? Defeat?” It certainly was during the election campaign. Is it still? What else could BE “the goal” when you’re in a war with people who want to kill you because you don’t believe the same way they do? I’ll ask again; what is this man SMOKING? He can’t be stupid enough to think there is any OTHER goal in a war but victory. The more he talks, the more he reveals his complete IGNORANCE of logic and the real world. They should really keep him away from a microphone because that’s where he reveals his abysmal IGNORANCE the most. I’ve seen presidents with whom I disagreed before (Clinton and Carter come to mind) but never one showing this much stupidity. (Just common sense)

It Won't Work

This article tells you how to “avoid” being targeted by the Obamaites when you go to a demonstration. But it won’t work. Obama will “target you” anyway. He wants people to think EVERYBODY who opposes his “health care swindle” is part of an “unruly mob” and “not indicative” of REAL Americans and what they’re thinking. For the first time, even his “captive media” are saying his health care swindle (they don’t call it that) is “in trouble.” There are even rumors that the “public option” might even be removed from the equation. If so, count on that provision to be back next year in a whole new wrapper (IF, indeed, it IS removed, not just renamed). The liberals NEVER give up and “go away.” They come back, time and again, with the same crap in a new wrapper until they “wear us down.” Obama criticized demonstrators for “yelling.” But he didn’t mention that they were yelling to be heard over the yelling of Obama’s goons in the audience. (One News Now/Michelle Malkin)

"No Death Panels"

Obama’s henchmen said there is NO “death panel” provision in any of the bills now up for consideration and said Sarah Palin "crossed the line" in mentioning them (who DREW the line?). Only problem is, there IS one in several of the bills. But then they said they “removed” the “death panel” provision that wasn’t there. Which is it?: Is it “not there?” Or have they just “removed it” from ONE bill? Sarah Palin said such a provision is nasty. I agree. Such decisions should be made by the PATIENT and/or family. Not by government. If they ever came to me to “counsel” me on my impending death, I’d throw them out THROUGH the door. (News Max)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Uncooperative Computer

I've been fighting this computer all week (and more). It's like a little kid; I tell it to do something and it doesn't. Or it does something else altogether. Or if I wait long enough, sometimes it does what I tell it. Believe me; its days on my desk are numbered. Sorry.

Kennedy Hypocrisy

It literally makes me ill to hear such as Sen. McCain and others who reviled Teddy Kennedy in life (except when they wanted something) refer to him as “The Lion of the Senate” (“Lying,” more likely) and the one “almost indispensable man” when he died. Kennedy was responsible for some of the most reprehensible legislation ever passed. He drove his car into Chappaquiddick Bay with his young, beautiful, pregnant girlfriend inside and swam away, to go back to his motel, shower, and go to bed (as if nothing had happened), leaving her to die when a simple phone call MIGHT have saved her life, if made in time. But that was not Kennedy. Maybe he felt an “out-of-wedlock birth” would ruin his career, and her death almost did. But he was wiley enough to overcome killing her and “served” for many more years, screwing up everything he touched. People say you should not “speak ill of the dead,” but being dead doesn’t make you into a saint. If you’re a jerk alive, you’re still a jerk dead. I say, good riddance. (Just common sense)

Just Shut Up!

That’s what Obama wants America to do. He’s surprised by the volume of opposition among the “grass roots” of America to ALL of his scams and swindles, especially his health care swindle and he wants us to “just shut up.” This is the way he says it:" 'But I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking.' Obama here was talking about Republicans and conservatives whom he holds responsible for the economic downturn. He doesn't want to hear from them whether about health care reform or economic policy more generally. He just wants them to shut up and get out of the way of his glorious left wing revolution." He’s still trying to blame the “economic mess” HIS people created to get him and other Democrats elected on Republicans and conservatives. He has no proof of it, but he hopes using the Nazi method (the “big lie” technique of repeating the lie over and over until it becomes truth) will work for him. Unfortunately for him, we have proof otherwise, and the means to make it public, not like in the past where he could control what people were told, absolutely. (Peter Ferrara/American Spectator)

Repeat Drunk Drivers

In Denver. Colorado, judges are divergent on whether or not to put repeat drunk drivers in jail. They give many reasons, chief of which is jail overcrowding, thinking that drunk driving is less of a crime than, say, armed robbery. But a comparison of the numbers of people killed by drunk drivers, compared to those killed by armed robbers tells me drunk driving is every bit as serious as armed robbery. Some judges think “alternative punishment” including “treatment” can be more effective than jail time. That’s a load! Ask the relatives of the two women killed on their way to Denver International Airport (DIA) by a woman with many DUIs and reckless driving charges on her record (who just kept going and was arrested after a civilian followed her) for their opinion. Ask the mother of the teenager killed at 114th and Colorado Blvd by another teen with no less than SEVEN DUIs on his record in his short life (he survived) who was running from the cops (again) for her opinion. Both have had their “hands slapped” many times. People who continue to drink and drive many times ought to be put in PRISON for a long time. Not county jails. At least they’d not kill anyone while driving drunk in THAT time. They’re KILLERS. Their cars are their weapon. (Denver Post)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kennedy Wants What He Wants

When he wants it. In 2004, when Democrat John Kerry resigned to run for president, Kennedy was afraid the Republican governor was going to appoint a Republican to replace him. So he got a law passed to prevent it. Now Democrats are "in charge" in both Massachusetts and Washington, so he wants to change it back because he’s afraid the 60-vote majority for Democrats will “go away” when he dies. Kennedy is used to getting what he wants, and he’d rather not die. But There’s somebody with more power than he has that has decided he WILL. (Just common sense)

Making Cars You Don't Want

That’s Obama’s plan, and he’s using the “stimulus” to promote it. In this case he’s giving a lot of money to colleges so they’ll do the research that can make his dream come true whether or not the majority of Americans want it. He has vowed to “bring a gun to a knife fight” if necessary and FIGHT Americans who don’t want his socialist dreams. He ridicules people who suggest he wants socialism, but if you look closely at everything he’s doing, it PROMOTES socialist plans. Problem is, if you criticize his plans LOGICALLY he and his accomplices tell you there IS no logic (and he uses LOGIC to prove it). (Indy Star)

Obama Talks A Good Game

But he can’t seem to deliver what he promises. Is that because he promises things he KNOWS he can’t deliver and counts on people to forget he promised in the first place? He has promised so much there isn’t enough money in the world to pay for it all. So he just prints money, hoping he can get re-elected before we realize that his printing money with nothing behind it gives us such high inflation we won’t have any money left. He came back to Indiana to what used to be the biggest manufacturing area for RVs in the country (until his policies destroyed the RV business) but which now has an unemployment rate of 17%. He’s talking about how “things are getting better,” based on the fact that the national unemployment rate didn’t rise as quickly as he thought. So what he’s doing is trying to fool us again, so we keep voting he and his accomplices back into office so they can ruin our economy some more, blame it on capitalism, and con us into allowing him to continue making laws that bring us ever closer to a socialist dictatorship with him in charge. (Indy Star)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

He'll Pass It Anyway

Obama doesn’t care that a majority of Americans want NO PART of his health care swindle. He hopes to pass it into law and IMPOSE it on us, anyway. Americans are “getting wise” to him and ALL his scams and swindles. It’s not just conservatives who today oppose him. Democrats and other liberals, too, are violently opposed to his attempted takeover of 1/7 (1/6?) of the American economy, even while we have no money left from his other scams to pay for it. Clinton tried it, and failed. But the liberals never learn. THEY want it, And they’re determined to impose it on us, come hell or high water. I have high hopes that America will AGAIN reject this unneeded theft of rights and money. They’ll be back again later. Liberals never give up. Defeat them a hundred times and they’ll be back next year with try 101. They hope they can “wear us down.” And they might be right. They might never get tired of trying to victimize us, but we might get tired of fighting them off. I hope I’m “six feet under” before that happens. They show their CONTEMPT for the people who elected them when they say the opposition they’re facing is “just noise” and “not representative of the American people.” They’re wrong, and the next election may well show them they are. They call the truth we tell "misinformation," but the only misinformation out there originated in Obama's office. (American Spectator)

Obama to "Fight" Americans

He says, “When they bring a knife, you bring a gun (Of course, we're not bringing a knife, we're just bringing ourselves).” This from one of the strongest anti-gun freaks in this country. Of course, he’s speaking metaphorically, though I’m sure some of his followers will take him literally. What he means is that when people oppose him, go out and intimidate them. If that doesn’t work, beat them up, then accuse them of starting it. Which, of course, is why he sent some BIG, burly union thugs to a recent “Tea Party” demonstration. When intimidation didn’t work, they were soon pushing people around and saying the people they were pushing around attacked THEM. Can you imagine a 73-year-old man who can just barely walk starting a fight with a big, burly thug? I don’t like to hear “our president” talk about “fighting” Americans to impose something we want no part of upon us. We need to get rid of this Nazi. (Rush Limbaugh)

Obama Preaching Hate

He and his accomplices say demonstrators against his policies are “preaching hate,” but in reality it is OBAMA and his people who are. At one “Tea Party” demonstration things were coming along nicely and peacefully until a bunch of Obama’s “union thugs” invaded the meeting and started intimidating people; and when that didn’t work, started actually beating on people. One thug knocked an old man down. Obama is accusing us of doing what his people are doing, then blaming it on us. It’s the old “create a problem, then “solve it” scam they’ve been using since (at least) the fifties and sixties. They CREATE violence, then send in cops and even TROOPS to “put it down. But it is never their own thugs that get arrested and charged, it is the innocent people trying to have their opinions heard. This is the same tactics Hitler used to become a dictator in Germany. They’ll accuse me of “going over the line," for writing this, completely forgetting (and hoping you’ll forget) their own references to Nazism and “swastikas” at “Tea Party” demonstrations. (Rush Limbaugh)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"America the Deadbeat"

The “cash for clunkers” is a success, according to Obama and his henchmen. I guess when you offer to give away money and people predictably line up to receive it, that can be classed as a “success” if you don’t know what you’re doing. But the biggest problem with this “give-away program” is that it leaves the auto dealers “holding the bag” waiting for the government to “get around to” paying them for the money they’ve “fronted” for Obama’s scheme. Some will no doubt go out of business because they can’t afford to “front” the money for this silly scheme to destroy thousands, even MILLIONS of perfectly good cars because of an "environmental fallacy" and will run out of money because, unlike the government, they can’t counterfeit money “legally.” The problem, of course, is “in the fine print,” which means that a lot of those dealer the dealers made in good faith will not be “approved,” after they’ve already promised to pay the money themselves. I predict that this scheme will wreak havoc with the used car business while running the price of new cars up sky high. (Just common sense)

People Just Don't Like A Black President

That’s what Janine (I think that’s how it’s spelled. everywhere I go it’s spelled differently) Garafalo says. Which causes me to ask: why then, did we (not me) elect him? Garafalo sees “racists” under every bed but her own, although the only racist in this plot is Garafalo herself. She is an idiot who thinks racism is as rampant today as it was in the fifties, though it is not. There are countless black and Hispanic mayors in office throughout the land, even in the South. There are so many black elected and appointed politicians in this country they cannot be counted. This country ELECTED a black president. How then, can this ignorant woman believe we “just don’t like having a black president?” How stupid IS this bi . . . er, uh, witch? Brace yourself: this post contains quotes from a blatantly liberal show, on which Garafalo plainly calls ALL “Teabaggers” racists and suggests the “Boston Tea Party" movement is “petering out,” (another double entendre and a lie in itself) that the “Teabaggers" know nothing about the original Boston Tea Party (actually it’s SHE who knows nothing about ANYTHING, especially about the original Boston Tea Party). This is not the first stupid comment she has made. I, personally, will not see ANY show in which she is listed as one of the players. I don't need to watch such a stupid performer do ANYTHING. (News Busters)

Why Not Just Show It?

When the first glimmerings of a controversy over whether or not Obama was born in this country came about, I wasn’t interested. I thought it was just some “far-right” “conspiracy theory” and not worth my time and effort to investigate. “Far-righters” are just as bad as “far-lefters” when it comes to creating controversies where none exist. But when Obama continued to refuse to release his REAL birth certificate, instead releasing a phony document he SAID was a birth certificate but was really not, and sued to prevent the release of his REAL birth certificate, my “hackles” went up. I wondered just WHY he didn’t want to release his real birth certificate. Is there something in there that would ruin his plans? What? Why? Obama could “put this to rest” easily by simply releasing the “real McCoy.” But he won’t. The smell of fish is very strong here. The left itself is pushing this thing, while ridiculing those who want it to happen. (NY Daily News)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reagan on Socialized Medicine

The liberals have been trying to impose this swindle on us for many years; since way before Reagan was president. And as usual, they never give up. This is what he said then. Now they’re back with yet another “health care swindle.” If we beat them (again) this time, they’ll be back again later hoping they can “wear us down. The only way to stop them is to “vote the bastards out” in the next election, and just hope that’s soon enough. (Rush Limbaugh/Ronald Reagan)

Controlling Your Children

"Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government's coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development. It's outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading 'home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.' “ With this, their control over your children will be complete. This takes it much further than did the “Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act of 1974 (CAPTA),” which gave local “child abus . . . er, protectors” the INCENTIVE to interfere in your raising of your children so they could “criminalize” parents and dispense with their parental right to complain when their children are taught socialism as an ideal in school. Hitler knew if you could get to the children early, it would be easier to control them later. So does Obama. (The Patriot Post)

Do As We Say

Not as we do. That’s the message being sent by Congress after the House (led by Nancy Pelosi) approves a $250 million dollar purchase of three (count ‘em) THREE Gulfstream personal aircraft for the exclusive use of Congress (two of ‘em, anyway). This after giving auto CEOs hell for coming to Washington in their own private planes. They SAY their “excuse” was that is was “cost effective” to come in private planes, and it was. But Congress didn’t buy it. Now Congress says traveling around in THEIR private planes is “cost effective.” Which is it? Cost effective, or not? I guess it’s only “cost effective” when people in congress do it. They’re “American royalty,” you know. It would be “below their station” to fly on regular commercial airlines. (Update: That number went up to EIGHT before they "chickened out" and canceled the whole thing.) (Roll Call)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Looking For Female Politicians

That’s what they’re doing in both parties because they think females are AFRAID to get into politics because of the vicious attacks Sarah Palin has suffered (from the Democrats). I don’t think so. I think they’re looking for more female politicians like themselves; who won’t “upset the status quo” in Washington by speaking the truth and not being afraid of them. They want female politicians who will try to be liberals and try to con the public into believing they’re conservative while everything they do is liberal, as do most male Republicans today. They’re AFRAID of Sarah. They know that ANYBODY who runs as an unabashed conservative and tells the truth about what the liberals are doing to us will win in a landslide, every time. Ronald Reagan did it twice. Liberals keep referring to the eighties (when Reagan was in office) as “the decade of greed,” but they don’t know what they’re talking about. Reagan began what was the longest economic upturn in recent history by bringing the top tax rate down from 70% (70%!) to 28%, leaving potential investors in projects that create jobs with the money to operate. This gave them INCENTIVE to make those investments and that caused the economy to grow swiftly with a solid base; not like the phony base that fueled the economic upturn just before 1939 and the “Great Depression.”

This economic boom continued even after eight years of Bill Clinton’s efforts to derail it. It even survived the 4 years of the very WORST presidency in memory (Jimmy Carter). But it didn’t survive the liberals (Democrats) passing the “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act 0f 1976.” About the worst kind of government meddling in private business in memory. This legislation, passed by a Democrat-dominated Congress and signed into law by a Democrat president (Jimmy Carter) FORCED lenders to loan money to people who not only couldn’t afford to pay it back, but couldn’t even collect a 20% down payment. Their “stopgaps,” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who bought up those bad loans with taxpayer’s money until they (Democrats) “pulled the plug” just before the 2008 election, causing the economy to crash during the end of a :hated” Republican administration so they could not only get themselves elected to all three branches of government and have complete control.

It also allowed them to blame the Republicans for it. They were successful. This caused a “bloodless coup” that meant a (radical socialist) Democrat president and a Democrat majority in Congress. It also allowed them to appoint Supreme Court justices who were liberals, too (which they predictably did with Sonia Sotomayor). They are now (at this writing) in complete control in Washington and are working like beavers to gain complete control at a local level, too, with their effort to take over the medical business. I say “business” because they aren’t interested in the medical aspect, except if it hurts their control of the business side. If their bill passes, they will be able to deny lifesaving treatment for those they figure won’t last long enough to benefit from it for long, anyway. They’ll also be able to deny treatment to those who they “don’t approve of,” such as the very old, overweight, gun owners, smokers, etc.

They’ve said it, many times in the past. Now they’re trying to deny it and are accusing those of us who remember them saying it and telling people of “spreading misinformation.” Obama has even started an effort to get people to be “snitches” and tell them when they get messages (sometimes by e-mail, “under the radar”) from friends telling them the truth about Obama’s plans. He’s obviously compiling an “enemies list,” although he denies that, too. But I ask you: what else would he DO with that kind of information?” If you think he’ll just contact them and tell them “how wrong they are,” you’re naïve. I expect to hear from some of his thugs any time, now. And if they can’t “convince me I’m wrong” (which they can’t), they’ll probably just confiscate (steal) my computers and jail me on some trumped-up charges. If they succeed, soon you will be “government property” and they’ll make all your decisions for you. If you so much as complain you’ll be punished. (Just common sense)

Going WAY Too Far!

At Pace High School, in Santa Rosa, Florida, school officials included prayers at a meals attended only by adults—and got sent to jail. Or probably will, if convicted on contempt of court charges. Principal Frank Lay and athletic director Robert Freeman are scheduled to go on trial next month on criminal contempt charges. If convicted, both are subject to fines and imprisonment. Talk about “going too far! How many more times do human beings have to suffer because of the silly meanderings of the minds of liberals? (One News Now)

Obamacare "Evil"

That’s what Sarah Palin says. That’s what I’ve always liked about Sarah. She doesn’t use “weasel words.” She tells it like it IS. And she doesn’t worry about offending anyone because the only people she will likely offend are liberals (Democrats). And who cares about THEM? If she runs for president in 2012 as an unapologetic conservative, she will win in a landslide, as Reagan did. Sarah Palin is a “breath of fresh air” to thinking Americans. To liberals (Democrats) she is a “big stink” because they know she can win. That’s why they try so hard to discredit her with all those phony “ethics” charges. Republicans don't like her for the same reason. She's "in their way." (News Max)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"They Want to Hurt Our President!"

Damn straight. First of all, he’s NOT “our president.” I didn’t vote for him and would not, ever. He’s a radical socialist who wants to bring pure socialism to this country, with him as dictator. We want to get rid of him altogether because he is out to hurt US! His “health care swindle” alone will give him life or death power over us. They call Obama’s lies “white lies,” but they’re not. They’re the worst kind of lies. I won’t call them “black” lies because liberals will seize upon that word and call me a racist, causing everybody to forget the original point. That’s their modus operandi: confuse all issues so nobody will know what they’re doing.” Nancy Pelosi even said people (all presumed by them to be “right-wingers”) at those “Town Hall” meetings were carrying swastikas (They were, but in red circles with a line through it). What a STUPID thing to say. But that’s what you can expect from liberals. (YouTube)

Obama Telling Lies

As usual. So what else is new? He keeps mentioning that phony “47 million” people who supposedly can’t get health care. Actually, a majority of those DON’T WANT health insurance and NOBODY is ever DENIED health care, even if they can’t pay for it (These numbers also include anybody who is without health care for ONE DAY in any given year and aren't updated when they get it). It will be under HIS health care swindle that some WILL be denied health care if a bureaucrat determines that health care will not help them for a long enough time, or is just too expensive. Everything else he says is a lie, too. (AFA Net)

Congress Gets "Beat Up"

There’s a good reason why Obama wanted his health care swindle voted in before the summer vacation for Congress. He knows a majority of Americans want no part of the plan he wants to shove down our throats and they will “get an earful” from their constituents when they go back home. He doesn’t want that, because that will change the minds of many Democrats who had planned on voting FOR it so they can get re-elected. This may well derail his planned “takeover” of the medical business. (AFA Net)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Sad

It’s definitely sad watching the con man we elected president (not me) destroy this country while fooling mostly everybody into thinking he’s “saving us” from the “economic slowdown.” Truth is, it is his friends that CAUSED the economic slowdown to get him elected, and to get many more liberal Democrats elected so he’d have a majority in Congress and be able to swindle us out of TRILLIONS of dollars. And that’s exactly what he has done. He has spent more money in the first few months of his “administration” to buy the votes of more ill-informed people than we’ve spent on ANYTHING since this country began. He goes out “into the hinterlands” and lies outright, time and again, to con us into letting him spend more trillions while killing us off if he or his people feel we’re “useless to society.” He tells people he’s NOT doing what he plans to do. Then when he gets caught doing it, he says he didn’t do it. He calls the truthful statements made by his opponents “vicious rumors” and says he’s going to “refute them.” Then he simply says they’re rumors without providing any sort of proof and expects us to believe it. Many people do, because they only look at the headlines in his “state-run media” once in a while, and he and his cohorts see to it that the headlines say what he wants them to say. It’s enough to make somebody who DOES pay attention want to barf on his socks. (Just common sense)

The Right to Criticize

Onama’s White House wants “snitches” to tell him who is criticizing his health care swindles and other things, as if what we’re doing is somehow wrong. I remember Hillary screeching about her right to criticize ANY administration. But Maybe Obama forgot that. The First amendment reminds us of that right, whether Obama likes it or not. Of course, if he doesn’t like it, he’ll find SOMETHING to use in giving us a hard time. That's Obama's way. (Just common sense)

"Out of Context"

How do you take a complete statement “out of context?” I’ve seen the videos on Drudge and that’s possibly the few times Obama has told the truth, and he wishes the world would forget it. He said those things. He can’t deny it and saying it was “taken out of context” just doesn’t work. Obama WANTS universal, single-payer health care. He has said it, and he meant it, Unlike what he says now, when he is being criticized for it. He wants the power to say, “just shut up and die” to “old folks” when they haven’t got long to live anyway, and he doesn’t want to pay for their care. “If it’s not going to do them much good for long.” But he’s afraid of what will happen if Drudge and the rest of the “alternative media” let the world know and he is pilloried by his own words. (Drudge Report/Breitbart)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Looking for Female Politicians

OTHER than Sarah Palin. That’s what they’re doing in both parties because they think females are AFRAID to get into politics because of the vicious attacks Sarah Palin has suffered (from the Democrats). I don’t think so. I think they’re looking for more female politicians like themselves; who won’t “upset the status quo” in Washington by speaking the truth and not being afraid of them. They want female politicians who will try to be liberals and try to con the public into believing they’re conservative while everything they do is liberal, as do most male Republicans today. They’re AFRAID of Sarah. They know that ANYBODY who runs as an unabashed conservative and tells the truth about what the liberals are doing to us will win in a landslide, every time. Ronald Reagan did it twice. Liberals keep referring to the eighties (when Reagan was in office) as “the decade of greed,” but they don’t know what they’re talking about. Reagan began what was the longest economic upturn in recent history by bringing the top tax rate down from 70% (70%!) to 28%, leaving potential investors in projects that create jobs with the money to operate. This gave them INCENTIVE to make those investments and that caused the economy to grow swiftly with a solid base; not like the phony base that fueled the economic upturn just before 1939 and the “Great Depression.”

This economic boom continued even after eight years of Bill Clinton’s best efforts to derail it. It even survived the 4 years of the very WORST presidency in memory (Jimmy Carter). But it didn’t survive the liberals (Democrats) passing the “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act 0f 1976.” About the worst kind of government meddling in private business in memory. This legislation, passed by a Democrat-dominated Congress and signed into law by a Democrat president (Jimmy Carter) FORCED lenders to loan money to people who not only couldn’t afford to pay it back, but couldn’t even save up a 20% down payment. Their “stopgaps,” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who bought up those bad loans with taxpayer’s money until they (Democrats) “pulled the plug” just before the 2008 election, causing the economy to crash during the end of a "hated” Republican administration so they could not only get themselves elected to all three branches of government and have complete control.

It also allowed them to blame the Republicans for it. They were successful. This caused a “bloodless coup” that meant a (radical socialist) Democrat president and a Democrat majority in Congress. It also allowed them to appoint Supreme Court justices who were liberals, too (which they predictably did with Sonia Sotomayor). They are now (at this writing) in complete control in Washington and are working like beavers to gain complete control at a local level, too, with their effort to take over the medical business. I say “business” because they aren’t interested in the medical aspect, except if it hurts their control of the business side. If their bill passes, they will be able to deny lifesaving treatment for those they figure won’t last long enough to benefit from it for long, anyway. They’ll also be able to deny treatment to those who they “don’t approve of,” such as the very old, overweight, gun owners, smokers, etc.

They’ve said it, many times in the past. Now they’re trying to deny it and are accusing those of us who remember them saying it and telling people of “spreading misinformation.” Obama has even started an effort to get people to be “snitches” and tell them when they get messages (sometimes by e-mail, “under the radar”) from friends telling them the truth about Obama’s plans. He’s obviously compiling an “enemies list,” although he denies that, too. But I ask you: what else would he DO with that kind of information?” If you think he’ll just contact them and tell them “how wrong they are,” you’re naïve. I expect to hear from some of his thugs any time, now. And if they can’t “convince me I’m wrong” (which they can’t), they’ll probably just confiscate (steal) my computers and jail me on some trumped-up charges. If they succeed, soon you will be “government property” and they’ll make all your decisions for you. If you so much as complain you’ll be punished. (Just common sense)

It's A "Set-Up"

Three Americans go hiking in Iraq, close to the Iran border, and get arrested IN Iran (so the rumor goes), for “spying.” They were in a wilderness area where it’s hard to tell what country they were in (I don’t think they were even IN Iran). But a full troop of soldiers were there waiting for them. Wonder how they found out these hikers would be there? Could it be they were waiting so they could “make an example” of them in a mock trial, allowing the Iran thugs still in charge there to CLAIM they were there for nefarious purposes and “release them” after we give them some concessions? (Just common sense)

Obama Doesn't Understand Math

His pledge to make “the rich” pay for all his “flights of fancy” now, or soon to be law is bogus. There is NO WAY Obama can steal enough from “the rich” to pay for it. There isn’t enough money in the WORLD to pay for all he has promised, but he doesn’t understand this. He doesn’t even recognize that HE is AMONG the “rich” he wants to plunder, as are most of his friends. The idea of making “the rich” pay for all of his plans is as much of a lie as FDR told when he said the federal income tax would only be paid by the top 3% of the population. Today the IRS is auditing waitresses and cab drivers for their TIPS! Are they in the “top 3%? (News Busters/New York Times)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

"I've Saved the Economy"

What? Unemployment is still at 9.4% and Obama SAYS he’s “saved the economy?” What is this jerk SMOKING? The only reason the unemployment numbers didn’t go up as FAR As everybody thought is because a lot of people whose unemployment insurance has run out and have just “given up” and are no longer looking for a job. We’ve still lost 240,000 jobs this month. These numbers only reflect those who are still looking and collecting unemployment. Leave it to Obama to claim “victory” from the slightest improvement in numbers, no matter what the cause. And leave it to his “captive press” to tout it, true or not. That’s all I’ve been hearing when I couldn’t avoid it lately. How “this is a sign things are going to get better.” I wonder how they’re going to spin it when the numbers go the other way. (Rush Limbaugh)

Profit Is NOT "Bad"

I’m constantly hearing liberals (and some conservatives) say “profit is bad.” That idea has even filtered over to the supposedly “conservative-leaning” Fox News. I HEARD a Fox News anchor say it. But profit is NOT “bad.” It’s NECESSARY for this economy to work. Without profit, nobody gets paid. Nobody can buy groceries, new (or old) cars, homes, or ANYTHING. If the companies they work for don’t make a profit, they don’t get paid. When somebody starts a business, his/her ultimate goal (no matter what kind of a business it is) is to make a PROFIT. When Obama (the chief profit-hater) gave BILLIONS of dollars to large companies to “bail them out,” the major goal was for them to “return to PROFITABILITY.” If profit is so bad, why is that even necessary? without profit, all economies would crumble. When Obama gave away a BILLION dollars in his failed “cash for clunkers” program, the main goal was for car dealers to make a PROFIT. The next thing Obama will want to do is tax the auto dealers for their “excess profits.” Meaning HE wants “his cut.” (Reuters)

Garafolo Again Attacks "Tea Parties"

With the gutter language she’s known for, she berates the “Tea Parties” members because she doesn’t agree with their position. I guess everybody she doesn’t agree with are “motherf—kers.” Somebody ought to educate this ignorant woman as to the “facts of life,” of which she is apparently unaware. Maybe she LIKES to pay excessive taxes. I don’t know. I’d bet, however, her accountants have come up with many ways for her to AVOID them, as do most ignorant liberals (repetitive). “Tea Party” people are simply opposing excessive taxation, as were the original “tea party” people back then. This, apparently, she doesn’t understand. There’s a LOT she doesn’t understand. She calls them “racist,” which is patently stupid, since their platform has nothing to do with race. It’s only about taxes. But then calling people with whom they don’t agree “racist” is a common scam for liberals. They’re actually “wearing out” the word. Soon it will mean nothing. (News Busters)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama's "Enemies List"

Liberals got all bent out of shape when they thought President Nixon had an “enemies list.” But now Obama is doing it. And he can’t deny it because he is openly asking for “snitches” to tell him about ANYBODY who is “talking against" ANY of his programs, on the Internet or in private mail (he calls such info “misinformation”). What else can this BE except to compile an “enemies list?” I would give you the URL to which he wants you to send this info, but I have information (not verified, but possible) that he will be able to access the hard drive of ANYBODY who logs onto his “cash for clunkers” web site, and it is reasonable to think that if he has this capability, he could also use it here. If you want to tell him about REAL “misinformation,” send him his own web sites info. (Dallas News)

Crowley "Lured Him Outside"

so he could arrest him. That’s what the liberals in media (even one at Fox News) are trying to sell us about the Gates/Crowley case. But Gates didn’t need much “luring,” it appears. He willingly (without “luring”) followed Crowley out to his car as he was trying to leave his (Gates’) big mouth behind. But Gates wasn’t cooperating. He continued to berate him until Crowley, desperate to shut him up and go on with his day, arrested him for disturbing the peace. I guess Crowley could have just driven off and left Gates on the curb, screaming “racist” after him, but this is not what cops DO. So he arrested him and the police politicians dropped the charges because of his (Gates’) connections. (News Busters)

They Already Tried It!

It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now. Obama’s “Cash for Clunkers” plan was used by FDR way back when, and it didn’t work. FDR’s total body of work back then only made the depression worse. It only got better when we got into WWII—and FDR was against that. The press is touting Obama’s plan as “working.” As if offering free money and having people take it was "working." What they apparently don’t know is this: “If you give $4500 for free, people will line up to take it. It's not rocket science.” Everything Obama is trying now has been tried, and has failed, in one form or another by liberals in the past. As if the amount of money spent was a gauge of success. They never learn. They always say “They didn’t try hard enough or spend enough money.” What scares the hell out of me is these fools are running our country and therefore the economy. Latest: they're adding another two billion bucks to the fund. That ought to last, maybe, eight days. (Glenn Beck)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama Hates "Community Organizers"

Seems kinda funny doesn’t it? The guy who says “the highest calling” is to be a community organizer doesn’t like the “community organizers” who are organizing against HIM. Americans are not buying what he’s selling, and he’s MAD. He’s even running ads talking about how we (conservatives) “lost” in the last election, which means, to him, that he can do exactly what he wants to do to us, and we should “shut up and take it.” He’s calling us an “unruly mob.” Seems to me we’re doing what we have a right to do. On March 18, when the “unruly mob” was on HIS side, he said he “didn’t want to quell anger.” Now the “mob” is NOT on his side, and he wants to shut them up and lie in virtually every statement he makes. America is “getting wise” to him, and he doesn’t like it. I hope it continues into the next two elections and then we can get rid of this con man and his accomplices. (Just common sense)

"Teachable Moment"

Anti-white racist Professor Gates, who followed a cop out to his car screaming “racist” at him until the cop got enough of it and arrested him is now saying the situation is a “Teachable moment.” Really? The only “teachable moment” I see here is how to turn a minor event into an international incident with your big mouth. The cop was trying to leave and Gates pursued him. People are still talking about how Gates “got arrested in his own home” and “got dragged out into the street” after he had identified himself as living there—which is a lie. He was NOT “dragged out of the house.” He came willingly while screaming at the cop, and FINALLY got himself arrested for disorderly conduct—not for burglary, which is what the liars contend. Gates is completely at fault here. The cop was doing his lawful duty and was leaving after verifying Gates’ identity when he was verbally attacked as he was LEAVING. Personally, I’d have slapped Gates’ teeth down his throat for this. But I’m not a cop. What it teaches me is to keep your mouth shut when confronted by a cop (if you're black, white, or purple with pink polka-dots) and try to remain courteous, even if you ARE mad at the world, as Gates is. Somebody needs to slap his teeth down his throat anyway.(David Limbaugh)

"Change" Wrapped in Brass Knucks

Recently he “slapped down” the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) when they came out with numbers that told the truth about his health care swindle. Then he authorized “attack ads” against the “Blue Dog Democrats” who were holding out against his plan and kept it up until they capitulated and went along with him. He summarily FIRED an Inspector General who was preparing a case against one of his friends. Guess what happened to the case? At the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), he “muzzled” EPA researcher Alan Carlin, who dared to question the conventional wisdom on global warming. The economist with a physics degree was trashed as a non-scientist know-nothing. This is the same tactic used by AlGore, the “global warming” swindler. This is what you can expect if you effectively oppose Obama. (One News Now/Michelle Malkin)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clinton Visits Kim

Why? Clinton is no longer president. He doesn’t even hold a government job any more. He’s a private citizen! What if I went to visit Kim? Even if I could get in the door, I’d be punished by my own government for doing it. Of course, if I DID get within reach of this “tin-pot dictator,” I’d probably slap him silly and die for my efforts. Clinton says he was “delivering a message from Obama,” and went there to try and “win” the release of two newswomen they’re holding for ransom (He succeeded. Kim "pardoned" them.). In N. Korea, they still call him “Great Leader,” but I call him a jerk. The very idea of Bill Clinton, a former president, meeting Kim on his own “turf” raises Kim to a new level politically, and Kim probably provided Clinton with a female body for his bed that night (he knows what moves Clinton). Kim just isn’t worth attention from even a disgraced former American president. He’s loving it! (Yahoo News/AP)

"Animal Farm"

George Orwell, in addition to his prophetic “1984,” wrote yet another prophetic novel, called "Animal Farm," where the animals took over a farm and created their own government, which became a dictatorship after the pigs “took over” because the other animals didn’t resist. The “watchword” of this entire book was a simple statement written on the side of a barn. It started out, “All Animals Are Created Equal” and at the end of the book was added, “But some animals are more equal than others.” Are we on our own “Animal Farm?” Orwell was a socialist, but this novel is a savage criticism of socialism and the misuse of power. (

Is Obama "Big Brother?"

In George Orwell’s prophetic book, “1984,’ the country was run by “Big Brother,” whose picture appeared everywhere and everybody loved him. If they didn’t, they were “re-educated.” The story’s “hero” worked for the “Ministry of Information” and his job was to change history to reflect the current thinking of “Big Brother" and the ever-changing alliances he espoused. Every television set contained a camera that spied on you. What happened in this book is eerily similar to what's happening in this country today. Is Obama becoming “Big Brother? I notice his face appears everywhere. So much so I’m getting sick of it. The news media is “in the bag” for him, only printing (for the most part) what HE wants us to think, even if they know we know otherwise, using Hitler’s “big lie” technique of repeating the same lie over and over until it becomes truth and people will fight you if you try and tell them the real truth. This is the danger we’re in. We must fight it. (“1984”)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Exploiting Public Ignorance

Prof. Walter E. Williams (a black professor who hasn’t screamed “racist” at a local cop) describes what I talk about in my book, “Pay ATTENTION to Politics!” very well. This government is “exploiting public ignorance” in every way possible. This is possible because a majority of people in this country are too interested in their own daily pursuits and have no time to pay attention to the politicians they elect while they’re “picking their pockets” and stealing their right to make their own decisions. Soon they will not be ABLE to make their own decisions about ANYTHING. Will they even notice? Or care? (Prof. Walter E Williams)

Sued By A Tree!

Can you imagine that? In the seventies, Obama’s new “science advisor (czar)” said that TREES should have the right to sue. How stupid IS he? How stupid must ANY Obama appointee be? In the seventies, John Holden, the man who is ”advising” Obama on science and technology issues, said, “Giving ‘natural objects’ -- like trees -- standing to sue in a court of law would have a ‘most salubrious’ effect on the environment.” What was this man SMOKING? And Obama is ignorant enough to appoint him to an important post in his government? I fear for Obama’s SANITY when he makes appointments like this. (News Busters)

"Heeb" Magazine

The very name of the magazine tips you off at the “Jew-hating” bias it feels. And Roseann Barr, who has done and said many things to convince people she is a jerk, does it again, wearing Nazi gear (including a Hitler mustache), “cooking” what she calls “burnt Jew cookies” and writing a classic Jew-hating article for this Jew-hating magazine. I thought she was dead, it’s been so long since I’ve seen her. But true to my recollection, she’s not dead, she’s just ugly (even without the Hitler mustache). I swore off her when she showed her ass at a football game (and it was an ugly ass). She sure is a lot skinnier than she used to be, I'll give her that. (News Busters)