Monday, July 7, 2008

Wesley Clark Denigrates McCain

"Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, a former Democratic presidential candidate now supporting Barack Obama, said Sunday John McCain's military service does not automatically qualify him to be commander in chief." Well, big whoop! Neither does Obama's LACK of military service. McCain, at least, "stepped up" and fought for his country, losing five years of his life while being tortured as a prisoner of war (seems like the only people the liberals don't worry about torturing prisoners is the enemy). Now they're trying to push the idea that McCain only flew "bombers" and killed many civilians, not "fighters," which usually only killed other pilots. What the hell's the difference? Bombers are legitimate airplanes to fly in a war. Seems to me a man like Clark, who has little to recommend him, and who even got FIRED by one president is so ready to "flap his lips" against a fellow soldier and war hero. I'm not a big McCain supporter, but he is MILES ahead of Obama in ANY category when it comes to the presidency. Now the news media says Obama is "disclaiming" Clark's words. Not in the speeches I've heard on the subject! (Just common sense)


Danny Vice said...

Wesley Clark trips all over himself every time he says anything, and does nothing more than make his liberal cohorts look like the power lusting, lying, manipulative flip floppers that they are.

Last go around, Clark crowed endlessly about Kerry’s service, and how horrible it was that anyone would doubt Kerry’s integrity. He held Kerry up as a hero and ABSOLUTELY advertised his service as a reason why Kerry was fit to be commander in chief.

Now he flip flops right on his face - as he usually does.

Conservatives flip flop from time to time, but they don’t throw any vet under the bus unless that vet is out there denigrating our troops - like Kerry did.

They are two peas in a pod.

Clark is a disgrace to the uniform and it’s a tragedy our soldiers and vets had to listen to him denigrate their service in such a way.

Danny Vice

Ray Thomas said...

Danny: I can't argue with most of what you say, except for a couple of things. One, that Kerry was a "vet." I don't accept that. Kerry only went over there to get a medal he could use in his planned presidential campaign (Yes, he was planning it, even then). He spent about four months there and the worst thing he got was an ingrown toenail, for which he wanted a purple heart. I don't know if Phil Gramm is a vet or not, but McCain just "threw him under the bus" for his truthful statements about this country being full of "whiners." Of course, most of the whiners are liberals, although there are some on the GOP side, as well.