Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Sniffing" Each Other

After years of sniping at each other and telling the world what a terrible thing it would be if the other was elected (true), Obama and Hillary are now "best buddies" who can say nothing bad about each other. How phony is that? Now Obama is paying her bills. Is he going to demand what that usually entitles a man to? (metaphorically, of course) Of course we know it will all go in her pocket, since she's her own biggest debtor. She showed how phony it was with her body language. At one point, Obama moved to put his arm around her and she recoiled. She actually moved the other way. Then she thought about it and moved back, standing with her "frozen smile" in his embrace, while he "soaked up" the applause. Then quickly, she almost ran off the stage and was not to be seen after that, and camerapeople looked for her. They BOTH went in different directions as fast as they could. It was plain they hated each other, but couldn't show it. Oh well, some days you eat the bear, and other days, the bear eats you. Today was Hillary's day to get eaten. There's still talk about Hillary as vice-president. I advise Obama against it. Think about it. One death away from the job of her dreams. The one for which she put up with Bill's "open-zipper" shenanigans for almost her entire adult life to accomplish. If he does it, I say, "Watch your back, Obama." The chances of your finishing your term alive are small with her "waiting in the wings." (Rush Limbaugh)

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