Monday, July 21, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Democrats are trying to revive the "fairness doctrine" where ANY time somebody says something on the air that might be "defined" as opinion, they MUST give "equal time" to someone with an opposing viewpoint. But who "defines" what is "opinion?" The liberals hope it will be them, so they can put an end to such people as Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, and other radio and TV hosts, and even an entire television network, by the name of Fox. But Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, and other conservatives ARE "equal time" because we get WAY too much LIBERAL opinion DISGUISED as "neutral news" on just about every radio and television network out there. If Limbaugh, Hannity, and other conservatives demand "equal time," it is the LIBERALS who are going to be in trouble. The liberals keep saying what they do is just "newsgathering" and dissemination, but they push their agendas, simply by what they CHOOSE to cover, and how they cover it. At least Limbaugh and other conservatives "make no bones" about being biased while the liberals insist they aren't. Another thing: if people PAY to put their views on the air, should those with opposing views have to pay, too? (Just common sense)

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