Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Only Your Money

Whenever a politician (mostly liberal) sees a "problem" (usually something the liberal policies CREATED), they want to "throw money at it." Obama has proposed so many "programs" that if enacted, they will bankrupt America. There isn't enough money in the WORLD to finance all his proposals, even if they CAN "print money." Think about it: all Obama wants to do is spend your money. And he doesn't give a thought to how much it will cost and how he will pay for it. It's a cinch that if he actually becomes president, this country is going to soon go into "double-digit inflation" as it did under Carter. You can't keep "printing money" without anything behind it without one day "running into the wall" of reality. Come to think of it, McCain is sounding eerily like Obama in that respect. The only "saving grace" is that he isn't as bad about it. (Barnyard)

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