Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Grouping Us Together

Have you noticed how just about everything liberals suggest tends to "group us together" in more and more things? They just can't stand for us to "go our own way." They can't control us that way. Public transportation, apartment dwelling, rather than in our own detached homes, etc. They don't think about, nor even care how using public transportation takes a LOT longer, wasting large amounts of our time (which is money), plus putting us "out there" to be victimized by illegally armed criminals who target people on public transportation. I've never been robbed while driving my own car or while living in a detached home. I HAVE been robbed in a taxicab, twice (attempted robbery, anyway). They want us to send our kids to public schools so THEY can control what is taught to our children. People wonder why so many kids become "semi-estranged" from their parents when they become teenagers? That's because of many years of being taught values different from those their parents hold dear. They're taught socialistic tendencies and are made into "good socialists" who love to "live together, cheek to jowl." Is that want we want? It's certainly not what I want. I want to make my OWN decisions, not have to go "hat in hand" to "ask permission" of a faceless bureaucrat to do something that is my RIGHT to do. (Just common sense)

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