Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bush Still "Buying" the Global Warming Swindle

It amazes me when otherwise intelligent people such as George Bush "buy" AlGore's massive swindle and actually help him sell it. Now he's telling us there "has been significant progress" made in stopping it, while others are disagreeing with him because "significant progress" would mean a lessening of the pressure that brings in the bucks to AlGore and his accomplices. I don't buy it and I never have. We just don't have the power to cause massive climate change, NOR to stop it when it happens. The climate is CYCLICAL, and it changes regularly. There's a good reason Gore's accomplices don't use numbers over a really wide range because they would then show the falsity of his thesis. Obama "buys" it, and will no doubt spend trillions on it if he gets to be president (It's a good excuse to spend a lot of money, and that's what liberals do well). McCain has also shown tendencies toward belief in this religion, as have other politicians, including Newt Gingrich. I question their judgment when they do. (Yahoo News)

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