Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Amazing Democrats

It amazes me what the Dumocrats think is bad, and what they therefore attack President Trump over. They condemn him for “attacking everybody,” completely ignoring the fact that his “attacks” are IN RETURN for their incessant false attacks. They criticize him for criticizing that “teenage activist,” Greta Thunberg. Frankly, what she is doing, and how she does it merely shows me she needs “anger control.” She’s too young to know ANYTHING and pretends to know more than ALL adults with her tirades. They take him to task for “hindering” Planned Parenthood, forgetting that PP is “Baby Murder, Incorporated.” They commit bloody murder on a class of people who are completely defenseless, while still in the womb (so far, mostly), with the full approval of the parents, who do not want the responsibility of raising the result of unprotected sex. So they “put out a contract” on them, and PP happily becomes their “hired killer,” for a price. Thunberg is angry over “global warming/climate change,”” which is a MANUFACTURED “crisis,” created by former VP AlGore, to line his pockets with gold, but she hasn’t been ALIVE long enough to know that. It has been disproved many times, but he goes right on talking about it and collecting money, hand over fist, while Greta does the same for herself and her “handlers.” This girl is so strange, that in a world where people travel long distances by airplane, she crosses the ocean in a SAILBOAT. And her “handlers” support her in that, time-waster that it is. (Just common sense)

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