Friday, December 27, 2019

Michael Moore Is Mad

He has to admit that, no matter how many schemes the Dumocrats have tried, President Trump’s numbers haven’t gone down one inch. And he can’t explain that. If he would just open his mind, it’s easy to figure out. Trump has the full support of the electorate because he has done what he has promised. He has brought back the good economy. In fact, he has raised it to undreamed of levels. He has brought unemployment also DOWN to undreamed of levels. He has lowered taxes for the middle class, putting more money in their pockets. He has made progress in “draining the swamp,” in spite of all the roadblocks Dumocrats can put in his way. They know he is the man to keep it going, so they’re not going to turn against him. Now, or ever. It’s time the Dumocrats admitted defeat and started working with him to better America, instead of continuing their incessant efforts to “get rid of him.” Let him “do his thing.” It will be better for all of us. Even Dumocrats. But they don’t want that, even if it is good for them, too. They just have an unreasoning hatred of Donald Trump, and they will still be investigating him after he’s dead. They have lost their way, and are not gong to get it back. They’re blind to the effect of their actions, and for that, they will soon go the way of the Whigs—into the misty clouds of history. (Just common sense)

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