Thursday, December 26, 2019

Outrageous Demand

A “transgender woman” (meaning a man pretending to be a woman) walked into a women’s salon and told them he wanted them to “wax my penis,” and they refused. So he sued after trying the same scam elsewhere. He alleged a violation of his human rights in his several suits over this. It’s amazing what liberals can twist into a “human right.” I don’t really think forcing a “straight woman” to handle his penis and scrotum while waxing them is a “human right.” I think he just wanted a sexual thrill. Maybe that’s the only way he can get any. The whole thing was all about a private business’s right to refuse service to anybody, for any reason, or NO reason, at all. Refusing to handle his sex organs does NOT “discriminate” against him, in any way. And businesses DO have the right to choose their customers—at least, in this country. I don’t know about in Canada, where this happened. This is a common liberal scam; go into a business you KNOW won’t want your business on basic grounds, and accuse them of discrimination and sue them when they refuse. They tried it in the Gibson’s Bakery/Oberlin College case, and lost, BIG. It’s a scam to impose their will on others, or get a big payday if those people refuse to “knuckle under.” I’m getting really tired of this nonsense. How about you? Of course, this guy is a known “transgender activist. (Legal Insurrection)

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