Friday, December 13, 2019

"One and Done"

That’s the way it’s supposed to be in our jurisprudence. That means that you can’t prosecute somebody more than once. After he’s found not guilty, you’re done. Even if he goes on TV and brags about being guilty after he is acquitted, he cannot be tried again. Not so with the president of the United States, apparently. His accusers can go on and on and on and on, and if one accusation falls through, bring up another. And keep doing it, time after time, for years, if necessary, until you find something you can make into something for which you can “bring him down.” And you can use millions of dollars in taxpayer money to do it, and there’s nothing the chief executive can do about it. There should be some kind of a limit on just how many times they can “investigate” a president and find NOTHING, then come up with yet another phony charge, and tell the world how guilty he is, with NO EVIDENCE to back it up, slandering him. He can’t sue you for slander because he’s a public figure, so you’re safe from retaliation—mostly. And people who have demonstrated their hatred for the “subject” should never be allowed to be the “judge” of the “evidence.” A MURDERER gets more rights than does the president, and leader of the free world. It’s not right, and we need to change to system. President Trump is being the victim of the biggest conflict of interest there has ever been. (Just common sense)

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