Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why Don't They Learn?

Every time some fool goes into a school, church, or somewhere else and starts shooting and killing people he doesn’t even know, the anti-gun fools jump up and demand more and more of their useless gun laws. I say useless because none of them work worth a damn. And it has become obvious that their laws don’t work, but they keep making more and more of them, every time they get a chance. Never mind the fact that their laws not only DON’T stop gun violence, but they make it worse by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for those who don’t obey any laws. When somebody shoots up a place, they never even ask whether or not he got his gun legally or illegally—unless he did get it legally, which us very unusual. They don’t seem to notice that each and every “mass shooting” has occurred IN a “no-gun zone, nor that captured mass shooters willingly tell us they SEEK OUT “no-gun zones” because they can be pretty sure nobody there will be armed, and able to oppose them. Why don’t these anti-gun fools LEARN? They have to know their laws don’t work, so why do they insist on making even more of them? (Just common sense)

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