Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Giving Away Other People's Money

The Dumocrats are making big promises as to what they’re going to give away if they somehow get elected president in 2020. They’re good at giving away other people’s money, never their own. They always seem to find a way to exempt themselves from the things they wish on the rest of us. A good example if health care. They wish Obamacare on the rest of us, but Congresspeople have their own “golden” health care system that is a helluva lot better than anything they wish on us. It’s like the “congressional banking system” of old, where a Member of Congress could make withdrawals without having any money in there. They took full advantage of it until it was discovered, and shut down by people who were more honest. What all the Dumocrat presidential candidates are promising is SOCIALISM, even though they protest mightily, and claim it isn’t. But socialism is taking from the earner and giving to those who do not earn, whatever they call it. Their brand of socialism is called “progressivism,” an unlikely name for a system of theft by government. (Just common sense)

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