Friday, October 18, 2019

"Death Penalty NO"

Killing helpless babies, YES. That’s what Dumocrat presidential candidate Butt-giggle believes in. He is against the death penalty for terrorists, but is in favor of abortion, the murder of innocent babies, still in the womb (mostly). That’s a pretty twisted combination of wishes. If you ask me. But I’m not surprised. Liberals usually want strange things. Mostly things that tend to increase their power. He has proposed what he calls his “Douglass Plan, named after Frederick Douglass, which would do many things, including expunging the records of felons who committed a crime after getting them released from prison, purposely make his laws retroactive, which is a clear violation of the Constitution. His laws would call for the end of solitary confinement, private prisons, and the death penalty. Basically, he wants to stop punishing criminals. Period. He also thinks we put too many black people in prison. Never mind more black people commit crimes than whit people. On abortion, he “trusts women to draw the line.” They haven’t “drawn it” very well up to now, having MURDERED millions of helpless, innocent infants, sometimes for no reason except they don’t want to carry it or spend 18 years raising it. (Real American Pundit)

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