Monday, October 21, 2019

Should Trump Be Impeached?

That’s a question being asked in many places, but it’s really a stupid question. Nobody can come up with a real reason TO impeach him. You don’t impeach a president that has brought the economy back from the very bottom, and raised it to the top. Nor one that has brought manufacturing jobs Obama told us were “gone forever” back to lower the unemployment rate to record lows. You don’t impeach a man who has caused the stock market to attain record highs, several times, nor a man who has won every major battle in which he has found himself as president, in spite of the most complete opposition ever seen from Dumocrats. Not unless you’re just hunting for a reason, ANY reason, to impeach him, whether he’s doing well or not, just because you don’t like him and are still smarting from the abysmal defeat he dealt you in 2016. Trump hasn’t always done the right thing, but he has most of the time. He is the best thing to happen to this country since Ronald Reagan, and it would be a crime to impeach him. But the Dumocrats are determined to do it, whether there is a good reason, or not. (Just common sense)

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