Tuesday, October 29, 2019

"President Pencil Neck?"

I think that’s his ultimate goal. He hopes first to bamboozle us enough to actually get rid of President Trump, then work his way into a place where he can be “appointed” president. Then he hopes he can become “president for life.” It’s a pipe dream, and there’s no way it could ever happen. The other Dumocrats want to impeach and remove Trump, then appoint Nancy Peelosi (or Hillary) to be VP. Then impeach and remove Pence, so then Nancy will be president. Coup successful. Then find a way to get rid of Peelosi after appointing "Pendil Neck as VP. Think that’s outlandish and can never happen? Maybe. But that’s the way the Dumocrats think. They hope to gain the top spot any way they can. Legal or illegal, as long as it works. That’s who the Dumocrats are. Then they will continue “stacking the courts” with liberal judges. Something trump has been quickly reversing by appointing hundreds of constitutionalists to courts, nationwide. This, along with his Supreme Court appointments will assure even-handedness in the courts for years to come. Pencil Neck is fast losing any credibility he might have once had as he goes about breaking every rule of jurisprudence in his secretive efforts to impeach President Trump. (Just common sense)

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