Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Well, They Did It!

They trotted out fictitious sexual misconduct accusations that were not only unproven, but were supported by forged notes in a school yearbook, and Doug narrowly won the election--mostly because more "city Dumocrats" turned out than rural Republicans. It was a close race, chiefly because a lot of people just didn't believe the accusations. They were too perfectly timed, to derail Moore's candidacy. Who waits 40 YEARS after being sexually abused before coming forward with an accusation just a month before the supposed abuser runs for the senate? And who claims he signed her yearbook, and then writes her own part of the signature, denying, until the last minute, she did? Then admitting the forgery? I'm not saying ALL such accusations are phony, but what I AM saying is that the level of proof required should be a lot higher than an unsupported by evidence word of the woman.

So now the Republican majority in the Senate is "razor thin" and that might be a big problem for Trump in his efforts to "drain the swamp." He calls it the swamp. I call it the "cesspool." Jones is in favor of retaining Obamacare, and that alone should cause intelligent people to vote against him. But he also in favor of abortion, which will help Planned Parenthood murder many more babies. He believes in "climate change (whatever they're calling that swindle today)" and that shows a level of ignorance that should have gotten him a loss. I do agree with him that college tuitions are WAY too high. But I don't want my tax dollars to pay for the education for others that I did not get. He's in favor of raising the minimum wage for people whose talents and abilities aren't sufficient to DESERVE a higher minimum wage. And, of course, he will vote for all the Dumocrat silliness in the Senate, and make things even worse. He is a "swamp dweller" before he even gets to DC and shouldn't be allowed NEAR a Senate seat. (Doug Jones)

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