Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Drmocrats Are Freaked!

Trump isn't failing! In fact, he's succeeding beyond our wildest dreams, in SPITE of all the impediments the Dumocrats have put in his way. We have had a string of record high closings in the stock market since January (when he was inaugurated), the unemployment numbers are also new records down, some of them the lowest numbers in the history of the United States. The number of new jobs are in the hundreds of thousands, in some places in the TWO hundred thousands. Manufacturers who have moved overseas are coming back, and some who have said they were moving overseas now say they are NOT. The economy is booming at a rate in Trump's first year that exceeds ANYTHING in Obama's entire eight year administration. And instead of just "containing" the Islamic terrorists, we're DEFEATING them. All this to the consternation of the Dumocrats, who want things to get worse than they've ever been so they can take back the Congress, and even the presidency. But it's not going to happen, because Trump is doing just what he promised, and America is noticing. (Just common sense)

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