Wednesday, December 27, 2017

One Problem; It's True!

I recently heard a left-leaning Fox News "contributor" say that, the only reason so many of Trump's people believe the media is biased against president Trump is because he says so. There's only one problem with that. What he says is TRUE. The liberal media IS biased against him, and has been since the day he came down that escalator and announced he was running. They flatly REFUSE to run any story that is complimentary to him, and continually run false stories AGAINST him. Their "commentators" have constantly said, from that "escalator moment," that he might as well give up, he'll never be president. And when he BECAME president, they said he'd never be able to accomplish anything. Then in the FIRST YEAR of his presidency, he accomplished more than ANY previous president accomplished in their entire terms. Unemployment is down, but they keep telling us it is UP. The economy is booming, and the media keeps "reporting" stories about how BAD it is. It is so obvious, it is sickening, and to hear them deny it is hilarious. (Just common sense)

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