Monday, December 11, 2017

Death of the GOP

They're committing suicide, and they have no idea they're doing it. They've been given the best opportunity they've ever had to flat DESTROY the Dumocrat Party, and they're throwing it away because they're afraid of Donald Trump. They control all three houses of government, and they refuse to get anything done because they don't want Trump to have ANY accomplishments, and they don't want him to "drain the swamp," because THEY are IN the "swamp" and they don't want to lose their little fiefdoms. They're letting the Dumocrats continue to run DC, even as a minority, thus abdicating their responsibility to be "the brakes" upon the Dumocrat efforts to make this into a socialist country. Now, instead of being the "opposition," they're ALLOWING the Dumocrats to continue theur "dirty work," and the voters can clearly see it--and WILL react again, in the next elections. (Just common sense)

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