Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cop Haters Are Stupid

Black Lives Matter thinks they are onto something. They're tapping the built-in hatred for cops that is in ALL criminals. They think they can translate that to others who don't intrinsically hate cops--and incidentally white people. They take each and every case where a cop shoots and kills a black person while he/she is committing a crime, and twist it into a case of a cop shooting a black person for nothing. Never mind it was for SOMETHING. They promote that hatred, claiming that cops routinely "go hunting" for black people to kill for sport, which is patently STUPID. Even their basic premise is wrong. Yes, black lives matter. But so do white lives. ALL lives matter, but they won't hear of that. If somebody has the temerity to think ALL lives matter, they ridicule them and try to discredit them by calling them names, chief of which is "racist." It's STUPID to even THINK that cops routinely "hunt" black people. They DO shoot white criminals, too mostly to stay alive. But BLM ignores that. Black officers shoot people, too. But they ignore that, too. (Just common sense)

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