Monday, December 4, 2017

Not A Democrat?

NJ Sen. Bob Menendez is a Democrat. The first Democrat to be tried for corruption, ever. I guess they're better at covering up their stinking brown stuff than Republicans. Anyway, the liberal media goes out of its way to AVOID mentioning that he is a Democrat. The NY Times published a 1,400-word article about it that only mentioned his party once, in the fourth paragraph. NBC even tried to falsely claim that he is a REPUBLICAN! I guess they just can't handle a DEMOCRAT actually getting caught at corruption. Menendez says he will be vindicated after his court appearance (don't they all?). It was funny. NBC actually called him a Democrat later in the item. They actually took it from an AP post, but the AP post did not make the same mistake. It appears the mistake was NBC's own. It looks like the usual impediments were not in place, Not the same ones in place for Hillary, anyway. Hillary could do ANYTHING, and nobody would notice. (Daily Caller)

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