Thursday, December 21, 2017

Give It Away Free

Liberals are good at giving away money--other people's money, not theirs. It's the way they sell socialism. Offer something for FREE. Just vote for me. Bernie Sanders (an admitted socialist) is proposing and pushing an idea to offer FREE college tuition. Never mind it is going to cost 23 TRILLION, more money than ALL previous administrations have spent, on EVERYTHING. We don't have it. We'd have to borrow it. Our grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren would have to pay for it. But he doesn't care. It's just OUR MONEY, not his. The same is true of other liberals insisting on giving every living being a paycheck, whether or not they work There's no telling how much THAT will cost, but they don't even consider that. And they're not considering what that will do to the economy if people have no incentive to work because they'll get paid, anyway. That's what socialism IS: stealing from the producers of new wealth for the benefit of those who, for whatever reason, produce NOTHING. But there are always those who want something for nothing--to live at the expense of others, and they care NOT from where the money comes. They want to "ride in the wagon" without ever taking a turn at PUSHING the wagon. so socialism thrives, even though it will always be destined to FAIL eventually, because it produces NOTHING. (Just common sense)

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