Thursday, March 6, 2014

Worse Than Bloomberg

I thought New Yorkers couldn’t find a worse mayor than Bloomberg. I was wrong. Bloomberg only wanted to get rid of large pops, transfats and guns. DiBasio wants to get rid of the very people whose money pays for all his liberal giveaway programs, the “rich.”  He freely admits the “rich” pay 30% of ALL taxes paid, that they do most of the charitable giving that is done. But he wants to “get rid of the golden goose that lays the golden eggs.” That’s not logical. But then, liberals are not known for their logic. I guess New Yorkers are just prone to electing people who will make life miserable for them. They’ve done it many times. About the only exception recently was Rudy Guilani, who, while not a “conservative,” per se, has shown himself to be much smarter than the average New York mayor. (New York Post)

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