Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What's WRONG With Liberals?

Surely they know that DEMOCRATS fought “tooth and nail” to stop the “Equal Rights Amendment.” And that “Jim Crow" was a DEMOCRAT fighting FOR segregation against REPUBLICANS who wanted to stop it; that the “party of segregation” has always been the DEMOCRATS. That the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was STARTED and RUN by Democrats, but they still insist that REPUBLICANS are the racists. Do they think people with ANY intelligence will believe that crap? People who pay no attention to politics will, because they’re ignorant of history. But not intelligent people who pay attention. I guess elections depend on how many of each there are voting. Obama won TWO terms because more ignorant people were voting than intelligent people. But I think that’s going to change in the next couple of elections. Maybe we don’t have another Ronald Reagan to run, but we can’t do WORSE than Obama. Of course, he will call me a racist if he sees this item. He CHOOSES to be black so he can use that to his advantage. But that makes HIM the biggest bigot there is. (Liberty Alliance)

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