Thursday, March 13, 2014

Slowly But Surely

Muslims work their way into the workings of the United States, using their status as a so-called “religion” to call people who object to their infiltration “Islamophobes (a made-up word) Meanwhile they stick their noses in all phases of our business and try to make all kinds of changes that are never good for US, but are always good for them. “( – Ten U.S. Islamic organizations have formed a new umbrella group to serve as a “representative voice” for American Muslims, and one of their first tasks will be to carry out a census of the community.” And now they’re working to gain “more clout” in American elections so they can institute Muslim practices into ours and FORCE us to do them. We need to make laws to stop this before we end up :”outside the tent.” As for me, I'll NEVER accede to Muslim practices. They'll have to kill me. (CNS News)

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