Monday, March 31, 2014

Some People Not Too Smart

It doesn’t matter that Joaquin “El Chapo Guzman is a mass murderer and deals in the death of many innocent people by selling them deadly drugs. It doesn’t matter that he sells POISON to gullible people who just don’t understand they are committing slow suicide. The poison he sells makes them feel good (for a while) and he spends SOME of his millons to help poor people. Not to make them less poor, but to make them more dependent on him and his poison. They’re “marching in the streets,” hoping to get him released so he can continue to sell them their poison. Mexican “authorities” that are RIDDLED with corruption, and which are mostly all on his payroll demand that he be “tried” in Mexico, so they can control what happens to him. He was captured and tried before, but he escaped (no doubt with the help of those same “authorities”). ( News)

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