Sunday, March 9, 2014

Conning the People

This is exactly what is going on, and has been going on for a long time. Many top politicians have been conning the American people ever since I can remember (and before). Ignoring politics is like ignoring a pickpocket as he steals your wallet, although this is worse; the pickpocket only steals your money. The politician steals both your money and your rights. And if you don’t pay attention and stop him/her before it’s too late, soon you’ll be a slave to a dictator. And there’ll be nothing you can do about it. We need to pay attention to what our politicians and bureaucrats, and even our judges (especially our judges) are doing (all appointed by politicians) to our rights and the Constitution itself. There will come a time when we have NO rights and the Constitution will be as dead as the liberals wish it to be. (Just common sense)

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