Thursday, March 27, 2014

The "Cause" of Islamic Violence

Author William Tucker thinks polygamy is the cause of Islamic violence. Not so. The “root cause” of Islamic violence is RELIGION: the desire to make Muslims out of ALL people, whether of not they want it. It is said plainly in their “ religious texts.” That it is the DUTY of every Muslim to 'help' everybody convert to Islam, even if they don’t want to." Or kill them. They are not even allowed to have non-Muslim friends. And that applies to some Muslims, too. Those who don’t believe EXACTLY the same way they do. Yes, I’m sure polygamy is a “problem” for Muslims. How can it NOT be? It's a religion based on stupid principles, run by stupid people, and dependent on the ignorance of its adherents. But it is NOT the “root cause of Islamic violence.” Muslims are too frightened that some man will want their women that they try to hide them as completely as they can and make laws that virtually ENSLAVE them. But polygamy is NOT the reason for their violence. (The Blaze)

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